Welcome to the Village.
Bolder Village is new HipHopRock band with unique style. It is hard to describe the sounds we make. We have been told it is a Chilli Peppers/Rage sound. Others have told us it is a cross between Lawrence Welke and the Max Weinberg Seven. We like to describe it as Rage Against The Machine eats Eminem and dumps out BOLDER VILLAGE. Find out where we are playing next and decide for yourself.
The Struggle Continues
Guitar Player Needed
Original Guitarist Needed- New all oroginal funk/rock/hip-hop band looking to replace guitar player. Ours has decided to concentrate on completing his Masters and will be unable to dedicate the time needed for the band. We part on good terms and wish him luck in his journeys through life. Tampa based all original Rock/Funk/Hiphop band needs guitars to complete a four piece line up. Candidates must be creative and skilled willing to stray from traditional guitar sounds and styles. Energy and good stage presence is a must. Must be willing to practice or play out @ least twice a week. Plenty of originals with existing guitar parts, use them or paint the canvas your own color. All vocals are Hip Hop based. Drop an e-mail to
Thanks for stopping by and checking us out.
We will be planning shows soon. Thanks for the support. We will have an MP3 site up soon. Keep checking in for the "inside skinny."